Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Persnickety … Who Me

per·snick·e·ty (pr-snk-t)

1a. Overparticular about trivial details; fastidious.
1b. Snobbish; pretentious.
2. Requiring strict attention to detail; demanding: a persnickety job

Yes, I guess when it comes to this wedding, I am overparticular (um… obsessed some may say), about the details. It’s important to me that all the little things not only look nice, but also work well together.

This would be easy to accomplish if I handed over the reigns and my checkbook to a designer and let them have their way with my menus, programs, stickers, and all of the random little doo-hickies. Well, if you want it done right (and you can’t afford to have others do it for you) you have to do it yourself.

So here are my first few attempts. My printer is out of color ink, so these are just images. Rather than printing myself, I might have Kinkos or Bill at Inkspun print everything for me… not bad, for a first try, eh?

Menu Card – this isn’t necessarily what we’ll have, I just picked things that sounded tasty from the full menu. I’ll have a tasting at the end of this month to finalize. (click image to enlarge)

Water Bottle Labels – I snagged the nutritional info pic from a friend.

I’ll also be doing labels for the out of town gift bags, table numbers, and might even take a stab at the programs (I was going to go with Mine-by-Design for much of this, but they are not taking additional orders until May … grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!)

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Firefly Location: New York Wedding Date: June 2015 Venue: Battery Gardens --> PREVIOUS POSTGreeting Card Heaven NEXT POSTWeekly Roundup Related Posts Bonus Tip: Do As I Say, Not As I Do02/11/15 @ 10:43 am Crab Invitation Reveal: The Insides12/18/14 @ 5:42 am A Lull in Wedding Planning?10/08/14 @ 2:56 pm Picking Centerpieces12/10/14 @ 9:25 am

customized bobbleheads
custom bobblehead
personalized bobbleheads
personalized bobbleheads
personalized bobblehead
customize bobblehead
customize bobblehead
personalized bobblehead
customized bobbleheads
custom bobbleheads

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