Saturday, May 2, 2015

8 Ways To Protect Yourself On Your Next Ski Trip

Skiing is certainly one of the most enjoyable and exciting sports in the world,customize bobblehead. Millions of people each year descend on the slopes of Colorado ski resorts and mountains around the United States to enjoy the exhilarating ride that is downhill skiing,custom bobbleheads.

But as the recent death of Natasha Richardson illustrates in the most horrible way possible, downhill skiing can be dangerous. Individuals who attempt to take on the slopes without proper instruction or a working knowledge of basic safety procedures are putting themselves at risk for serious injury.

With that in mind, we hope that you consider the following information before you even strap on your skis this season.

Safety Tips for Skiing

1. Get in good shape. It is one of the most overlooked elements of ski safety,custom bobblehead, yet also one of the most important. Being in good physical shape before you ski can help avert common injuries. Experts have found that the more tired you are during a run, the more likely it is that you will make a mistake and get injured.

2. Take lessons,customize bobblehead. Some people are filled with bravado and think that they can hit the slopes without ever taking an organized lesson. This is a recipe for disaster,French Ski Resorts. It is absolutely essential to take lessons from a trained professional ski instructor before hitting the slopes. They will be able to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to enjoy the run more and respond properly to unexpected situations.

3. Always wear a helmet. It seems fairly obvious,personalized bobblehead, but the majority of serious issues that occur on the slopes involve head injuries. For that reason, wearing a proper ski helmet is an absolute must for beginning and advanced skiers alike.

4. Wear sunglasses or sun goggles,personalized bobble heads. The sun shines bright on the slopes,custom bobblehead. And factor in the glare that comes off the mountain itself and it is easy to see how the sunshine can easily impair your vision while downhill skiing. Wearing sunglasses helps you keep your vision straight and avoid eye strain associated squinting,customized bobbleheads.

5,personalized bobblehead. Never consumer drugs or alcohol before hitting the slopes,,. Downhill skiing requires lightning fast reflexes and accurate decision making,Vauxhall Dealer Wales. Trying to ski while under the influence of drugs and alcohol can cause bad judgment and potentially devastating accidents.

6. Wear layered clothing. Weather conditions can change quickly on the mountain. In order to maintain comfort � and keep from overheating � it is important to wear layers upon layers of clothing that can be shed quickly if needed,personalized bobble heads.

7. Drink lots of water,Learn From The Martial Arts Community,customized bobbleheads. It is very easy to become dehydrated while you are out on the slopes,custom bobblehead. Drink lots of water before and after your ski run in order to keep yourself properly hydrated,Get The Top Quality Radio Control Skateboard.

8,.. Understand your limits. Many people will push themselves past the point of exhaustion while on the slopes,custom bobbleheads. It is very easy to get caught up in the moment and quickly become fatigued � thus greatly increasing the chances of making a mistake and succumbing to injury.

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