Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Random Wrestling Thoughts

Hey guys what�s up? Right now I�m still letting my random thoughts list recuperate so I thought I�d try another one of these regular articles. Weird, huh? Anyway I didn�t have anything to write until my dad called me the other day and told me about a dream he had that just happened to be a storyline. So I figured I�m gonna lay this out for ya. There are a few disclaimers I have to put up at the beginning though. Remember this was a dream, and as often in dreams some elements can be pretty unrealistic and illogical. Also this is going to involve some lower mid card talent in a main event situation, breaking a little kayfabe maybe, and a little fed jumping. So let�s get started with this crazy ass story.

So let�s start this off after WrestleMania. Randy Orton has defeated John Cena to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. He�s still feuding with the McMahons when it�s revealed that Randy Orton isn�t the one pulling the strings behind Legacy. There is a higher power. We wonder about this for two or three weeks, and then on a big three hour Raw it is revealed, and here�s where the dream part comes into play, that it was Goldust who was ordering Legacy. Keep an open mind, if nothing else you�ll find the rest funny. Now, for this role Dustin has gotten back into shape, maybe the best shape of his life. He has finally revealed himself not for the purpose to claim the World Title from his underling Randy, but to claim something much more precious. The WWE.

Goldust had Orton provoke the McMahons in hopes of eventually gaining control of the WWE. Now for the next several weeks Goldust gets back into the ring and lays the beat down on guys like Rey, Punk, and he even manages to beat Jericho. It gets to the point where he can�t wait any longer; he has to put his plan into action. While Orton defends his title against Cena at Judgment Day (we already had Backlash) Goldust has it figured like this. Four different people own the WWE. Vince, Shane, Linda, and Stephanie. Each owns a quarter of the company. At Judgment day Goldust challenges Shane for his quarter of WWE. Shane still enraged by everything that Randy did to his family, which we now know was under the orders of Goldust, accepts. He wrestles Dustin and loses.

Goldust now controls a quarter of WWE while Orton is still champ. Over the next few weeks he threatens Stephanie in various ways in hopes she will hand over her share. Becoming increasingly intimidated, Stephanie fears she will soon have no choice but to surrender her share of the company. Then during an in ring segment where she is just about to sign the papers Triple H�s music plays. He marches down to the ring and tells Dustin that if he wants WWE he�s gonna have to fight for it. And since Stephanie can�t fight for it, Triple H will wrestle Goldust at the Great American Bash. First Trips and Shawn defeat Priceless at One Night Stand in a street fight. After that Triple H takes on Orton for the World Heavyweight title at Night Of Champions. He wins by DQ. And for those of you wondering he remains technically on SmackDown this whole time. While there Goldust uses his newfound influence to make a few matches to soften up Trips. Big Show and Kozlov and such. It comes to the GBA and Goldust and Trips are squaring off. It�s a hell of a match, but Legacy manages to interfere and cost Triple H the match. Goldust now owns 50 of WWE, and his first action is firing Triple H. So Dustin now owns half of WWE, but he is still opposed by Linda and Vince who together control half of the company. On the next Raw Vince decides this has gone on long enough and challenges Goldust for all or nothing. Goldust agrees, but let�s Vince choose anyone he wants to represent him. Two weeks go by, and Vince comes out and said he has made a decision. He realizes that Goldust is too �different.� Vince knows he can�t get inside his head. So Vince introduces the man he has chosen to help him decide who will face Goldust. The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes.

Dusty comes out and cuts a genius promo. The next few weeks are filled with Goldust and Legacy in exhibition matches while we see Dusty and Vince try to decide who will face Goldust at SummerSlam. Finally on the last Raw before SummerSlam they reveal they have chosen someone who can whoop Dustin, and they will reveal him at the PPV. The Pay Per View rolls around, and Dusty comes out with Vince. They say they looked all over the place. Rock was busy in Hollywood, Austin�s neck won�t let him wrestle, etc. They looked everywhere, and then they looked in the last place anyone would have expected them to look. Suddenly the arena goes dark, but instead of �Takers bells like most would expect we hear an awesome guitar riff. Yes Goldust�s opponent is Sting!

It is an epic battle. Legacy tries to interfere, but Dusty lays in some elbows to them. Triple H and Shane are also ringside to prevent interference. Finally Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock, and Dustin taps. The WWE is safe. Vince rehires Triple H and fires Goldust.

Well there you go. That just goes to show what the mind can do when no one says �stop.� Now like I said I realize the illogicalness of it all. Orton�s pride would never allow him to take orders from anyone, Goldust will probably never be a main eventer, and the chances of Sting ever stepping in a WWE ring aren�t all that great. However, it was a dream, and at the very least I hope you at least found it to a neat little story. Try to think of Goldust in those matches as someone who would have the same ring presence as Edge, or even Orton himself. He�s at that level in these matches. I filled out all the little details, but the credit for that acid trip has to go to my dad. Oh, and in my dad�s dream it was all because Vince made Dustin�s dad wear polka dots.

I�ve still got a decent amount of space to fill so I�m gonna spill about No Way Out. In a lot of ways a tremendous Pay Per View, and in a lot of ways a horrible. First off it�s apparent that WWE didn�t read my last article, or if they did they just like to spite me. Either way Edge ended his fourth 3 week title reign by being pinned by Jeff Hardy. I expected either Jeff or Taker to win, but Trips was my next choice. Then Shawn and JBL was a cool match. Finlay vs. Swagger I think The Glide will get his wish soon. It seems that they�re gonna break up Hornswoggle and Finlay. At least I suspect they will. Then we had Shane vs. Orton. Awesome little hardcore match. Plenty of brutality, and blood. Shane use the ropes for his coast to coast on Rhodes instead of just the turnbuckle. He got mad air. Then we had our last elimination chamber. I was surprised to see Edge enter in. It was classic Edge though. That�s something nobody else could�ve pulled off. I would have been 100 happy if it hadn�t meant by the end of the night Cena would have had only a two and a half month title reign. As much as I despised the quick title changes it set up some great �Mania matches. Another Triple H vs. Orton will definitely do me good. And then one more Cena vs. Edge. My God. The greatest rivalry of the past 5 years. The greatest rivalry of the past 10 years that could still be possible for a WrestleMania match. Of course we will have the winner of Shawn vs. JBL face Undertaker. It hasn�t happened yet so we don�t know for a fact that it will be HBK vs. RIP, but I think we can all place safe bets. Shaping up to be a great Mania so far. They�re finally announcing the Hall Of Fame inductees, and the Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifiers will start soon. I got to tell ya I love the build up to �Mania about as much as I love the event itself. And this is SilverMania. The 25th anniversary. How many Pay Per Views have had a 25th anniversary? Look for me to Main Event WrestleMania 50. I did the math, and when that rolls around I�ll be 43. If Shawn Michaels can Main 23 when he�s that age, I�m sure I�ll be able too. Ha. Moving on.

Time for the semi final round of the 1,2,3 Cup. First off the Randall Keith Orton beat The Stone Cold Stunner by a margin of 21 11. Such disrespect for a Hall Of Famer. Then Sweet Chin Music defeated the Swanton Bomb 23 9. Hot damn you people love the super kick. Can�t blame you either. So that means that in my next fantasy match Shawn Michaels will face Randy Orton. Of course you could always just check back here to see who won if you want to skip the whole rigmarole. Either way it�s time for the Hall Of Fame.

This weeks inductee is the first to not be a wrestler. He is perhaps the best known backstage announcer of all time. But he not only worked backstage. His presence was felt in the ring, and even on commentary. I think. Either way his iconic voice has been the back drop for so many great promos. He�s interviewed probably everyone that�s in any Hall Of Fame anywhere. He was the host of Tuesday Night Titans, and despite some bad blood remains a life time employee of WWE. This weeks inductee is �Mean� Gene Okerlund.

Hall Of Fame:
Hulk Hogan
Dusty Rhodes
Harley Race
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mean Gene Okerlund

That�s all for this week guys. One more rant article, and then my random thoughts shall return. Until then I�m gonna need a filler. So in addition to casting your votes for the 1,2,3 Cup Finals, I want you to ask me any question. PM it or leave it in a comment. As long as you ask I will probably answer. I�ve got a whole article. Later.

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