Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Best Way To Commute Is By Cycling

Almost all city dwellers like me have various modes of transportation to get them around town. Many have their own cars, motorcycles, or scooters. And a lot of people take public transportation such as the bus, the subway, or tramlines. All of these are viable modes of transportation, but some special benefits can be gained by cycling, so I think it's the best mode of transportation.

One of the good points of cycling is that you can get good exercise. It is of the utmost importance to your longterm health to exercise several times a week, but the majority of people make excuses for why they don't exercise. There are people who even buy gym memberships but never go. Others decide to do a sport but they cancel frequently or don't show up. Certain people regularly go jogging then they take a day off. And the next they take a second day off. Then the next day they take a third day off. The problem these people face is that they really do plan to exercise, but since it's not part of their routine they fail to go through with it. But if you commute to work by bike, you can seamlessly blend exercise into your regular routine. Because if you ride to work every day, there are no excuses. If you are tired after work, you still have to ride home. There's no way to get out of it.

Another reason to cycle around town is that it's affordable. It's unnecessary to buy gas, and in today's world of unstable oil prices that's important. Most of the time there are no parking expenses either It depends on what city you live in, but in many locations you can just lock up your bicycle without paying any money. To keep things affordable, the most important thing is to keep your bike from getting stolen! So I hope you get a good bicycle lock.

An additional benefit of cycling is that it is flexible so you are free to do what you want. If you want to ride along the beach to work, you can. If you decide to take a shortcut down a narrow lane, you are free to do so. You can walk your bicycle on the sidewalk. With a car those things are impossible, as they are with public transport. It can be nice to have that flexibility and variety in your route, which can take some stress out of your journey.

I own a car because I like to take roadtrips and head up into the mountains. But in the city, my bicycle is by far my favorite mode of transportation. So if you do not own a bicycle yet, then I highly recommend you get one and start to get some enjoyment out of your travelling time.

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